Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The temperature has sky rocketed and the garden has turned into a Burning Bazar...

Weird Creatures are Lurking in the Leaves.
Tiny Plants have turned into Towers.
Fungus and Mold are having a Ball.
Aphids are Appetizing on the Apple trees.

Every morning I set off to water the garden and tackle a bit of maintanence when BAM!
I see something new... something scary.... something crawling
I then run out of the garden, across the town, into the house, no wait, take off your dirty shoes, into the house, up the stairs.... at the computer... no wait... hands full of dirt... wash your hands... back to the computer... search: Images, symptoms, causes, natural remedies...
Back and forth a million times a day these days!

All this under 35°C.

I think my neighour Peppe thinks I'm completely nuts.

I just wasn't prepared.

I will share some tips I've learned to save you from my mistakes..

1. I was seeing little yellow eggs on my string beans.... yuck.... I thought.... squash.... I went.... then I got a doubt... researched and discovered that they were Ladybug eggs.
Look up what the ladybug larve look like (nothing pretting) cuz I was killing those too! Shame.

2. Pole all beans, peas and string beans even if they are shrubs. They will need the support. If not they will slump onto the ground and develope mold. Very invasive. I learned the very hard way. Losing most of my potential peas.

3. Companion Planting: I planted basil close to a funky nettle forest. The basil stayed 1 inch high and unhealthy until we clipped off the nettle. It is growing fine now. The nettle is hanging to dry in the cellar for a wonderful winter tea.

4. Sow what you need. Not a seed more. We have a terrace invaded with plants in tiny pots that need a lot of attention. We don't have space for them all in the vegetable garden and we don't have the heart to throw them out so we are handing out trays to all those who are interesed. And yet there are still lots. Anyone in the Umbria region interested?

5. Only plant certified potatoes. How many times have you read that? Yeah me too. I planted all certified and one store bought cuz it was soooo good. Guess what? We've got potato blight also from that one nasty potato.

That's all for todays tips. One more success picture to cheer us up!
Take care all...


  1. I m sorry difficulte speak english , mais je suis ravi de votre site

